Where to begin? I've moved (still in Clearwater, just living solo for a change), changed phone numbers, and taken on a couple of new roles.
I can now be reached at 727-687-0842. I generally answer the phone between 10A and 10P, but the answering machine works 24/7, so call any time of the day or night.
I took on the editor/writer/web-poster job for Bits 'n' Bytes, the online newsletter of the Tampa Bay Computer Society last August. I've seen much better sites, but for a solo job it ain't bad.
The SIG leader for TBCS' Novice SIG (Tuesdays, 1P - 3P) is a 'snowbird', so I'm filling in for him this summer, probably till some time in October. Being the lazy sort, I don't prepare any sort of presentation or class agenda --- it's essentially a live and in-person version of my "free-computer-advice-via-email" service. If you're in the Clearwater area, come on out and join us at 1510 Barry Road.
Since I last posted, the Conflicker non-event came and went; did you panic like most folks did? If you were running avast! 4.8, AVG 8.5, avira, MalwareBytes, or any of a number of free anti-virus programs, you needn't have worried.
The number one problem I've seen in the last year is 'rogue' anti-virus programs: pop-up warnings from a program you don't already have installed, claiming that you're infected, and offering to fix the problem for a reasonable fee. ANY TIME you get a pop-up from a program you haven't already installed, X out of it; don't click on No, or Ignore, or any other button in the pop-up --- for all you know, all the buttons point to the same "Yes" command in the calling program. The X in the upper right-hand corner of the window is part of Windows, not the pop-up, and should exit cleanly and gracefully. ...And now go check your pop-up blocker settings, and see how come you got the warning in the first place.
I still answer any and all computer-related questions for free. To send me a comment or question, please click on this link: www.computerrepairshop.biz/Help.html